International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2023
Applications, Trends and Opportunities
28th, 29th and 30th of September 2023, Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT , in TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN
Conference Venue @ Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT , TASHKENT Campus

The 2023 IEEE and IFIP International Conference in central Asia on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2023 invites high-quality recent research results in the areas of Home and Health networking, Electronic commerce, Mobility and Mobile Payment, Broadband access, satellite services, 5G in rural communications, cloud computing, Smart grids, Big data analysis, Cyber security, Internet-of-Things IOT, Mobile and Wireless Communications, optical communications and networking, architectures, protocols, planning and design, management and operation, simulation and performance modeling. ICISCT2023 conference is the application of the next generation of information and communications technologies on Education, Telemedicine, Finance and Economy, Social Science, Business and Government. ICISCT2023 seeks to address and capture highly innovative and state of the art research and work in the area of information and communications technologies including wireless and Optical communications networks. The Authors can present their finding on wireless quality of service, resource management, Ad Hoc and sensor networks. Radio interface design, adaptive antennas and arrays and indoor propagation, measurement and predictions. ICISCT2023 is seeking papers in the area: Photonic devices and integration, Optoelectronic integration including devices and materials, Optical networks and transmission systems, Novel fibers and fiber-based devices, Transmission systems and networks, Photonics sensors and sensor networks, Microwave photonics and optical signal processing. Information science papers include knowledge that provides theoretical basis for information technology. It includes computer science, library science, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming, and theory of problem solving. The main goal of the conference is to bring together scientists and engineers who work and teach in these specialized fields to submit papers and come together in this geographical location. ICISCT 2023 is sponsored and organized by IEEE Uzbekistan Regional Chapter and Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT and Technically Sponsored by IEEE Photonics Society .

It is technically co-sponsored by Uzbekistan regional IEEE Communications society chapterand Ministry of Digital Technologies and the Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Below photo of ICISCT 2022 conference.

Below photo of ICISCT 2019 conference.

The link to ICISCT 2022 conference video:

The link to ICISCT 2019 conference video:

The link to first IEEE conference ICI2006 conference video: