Registration Form
   International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2023
28th, 29th and 30th of September 2023, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT, TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN

All registration need to be done online or bank wired transfer, no registration is accepted otherwise.
    () mandatory field
Personal Information
Title :
First Name :
Last/Family Name :
Company/Organisation :
Designation :
I am a   participant / paper presenter.
For paper presenter and author, please indicate your paper reference ID number :
IEEE membership number :

Line 1 :
Line 2 :
City :
State/Province :
Zip/Postal Code :
Country :

Contact Information
E-mail :
Office Phone Number :
Fax Number :
Tutorials – 28th of September

Please select the choice of tutorial(s) you would like to attend.
 Tutorial 1 (TE01)
 Tutorial 2 (TE02)
 Tutorial 3 (TE03)
 Tutorial 4 (TE04)

Title: Deep learning empowered optical coherence tomography

Tutorial Speaker: Professor Dr. Sheng-Lung Huang


Tutorial Speakers:

Title: Nano-Carbon Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers

Tutorial Speakers: Prof. Dr. Sze Y. Set


Tutorial Speakers:



 Conference Registration Includes Tutorials
International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2023
28th, 29th and 30th of September 2023, Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT, TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN

Conference registration includes access to 2 days conference, access to one full day tutorial, a copy of conference proceedings and or CDROM if available, morning and afternoon refreshments, lunches. Invited dinner. It may vary if the conference takes place in part online.
Contact: if there is any questions
 AI - Full Conference - Registration and General Attendee US$150
 AO - Full Conference - IEEE Members and Students US$100
 LI - Full Conference - Academic attendee, Student attendee * US$100
 LO - Full Conference online presentation and participants ** USD$100

* Local Academia and Students Includes IEEE members in Uzbekistan .

** Examples of neighboring countries include Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and more.


Bank Account Form

Additional Options

 EC - Extra copy of conference proceedings And or CDROM    US$10.00
 FE - Adminstration Fee US$100.00

Cancellation & Substitution (Refund Policy)

The ICISCT2023 organizers reserve the right to cancel the conference and/or tutorials due to unforeseen circumstances. Liability of ICISCT2023 is limited to return of conference and/or tutorial fees.

Should you be unable to attend, a substitute participant is welcome at no extra charge, but you need to notify the conference administrators in advance.

For cancellations on or before August 20 2023, a 50% refund will be made. No refund will be made for cancellation after August 20 2023.